Hayden Wiseman in Concert

Date: 12 October, 2024

Time: 5:00 pm

Location: 450-452 Mount Cotton Rd, Capalaba QLD 4157

To share the gift of music with people, to connect with them in a special way and see them moved to tears- this is what lights my fire and gives me a thrill like nothing else. As a Christian I thank God every day for allowing me to follow this journey and give joy to others around the world.
— Hayden Wiseman

Amazing Discoveries - End-time Events

Venue / Time: You are invited to join Brother Robert Panev in this amazing and thrilling study of end-time events from the Book of Revelation at Capalaba Adventist Centre (450 Mt Cotton Road, Capalaba) on October 12 at 11am. The studies comprise a number of topics.

Background: These studies will bring you timely messages with in-depth spiritual analyses of current events in light of Bible prophecy so you can prepare for the soon 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Brother Robert will examine one of the most difficult, perplexing, and misapplied passages in the Gospel of Matthew, the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. As one of the most difficult, it suffers the most speculative interpretations, and many religious leaders base their false doctrines upon it.

Benefit: The Book of Revelation, in particular, gives the Christian a lot to consider. Brother Robert dispels current false doctrines and provides us with an admonition to always be ready for the Lord (Luke 11:28; Revelation 1:3). It will be a great blessing for you and your family, and for all you come in contact with when you are prepared to give an account for all you believe (1 Peter 3:15).

Topic include:

FOUNDATION BUILT UPON A ROCK! There are many that place their security outside the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy and say just stick with it and you'll be fine. But if your security goes bad, are you going to go with it?

A WISE MAN What does the Bible say who is a wise man that built a house upon a Rock and when the storms came his house stood compared to the foolish man that built a house upon sand? Hear how you can build a house upon a Rock - the Rock being Jesus Christ.

THE JUDGEMENT IN HEAVEN HAS BEGUN FOR EARTH'S PEOPLE The 1st angel's message says "for the hour of His judgment has come". But where does judgment begin and what does it mean for Christians?

THE TRUTHS OF THE SANCTUARY What do the teachings of the sanctuary, doctrines, building a house and the remnant have in common?

THE DRAGON (SATAN) IS ANGRY AT THE REMNANT ONLY AND NOT AT THE ENTIRETY OF CHRISTIANITY Why? What is so special about the remnant that makes him so angry at them?

BEFORE THE WORLD'S END COMES GOD WILL SEND RAIN What does rain represent in the Bible? What agency is God using to bring the rain? How do you know whether you have the rain? And how does the rain come? What does it mean when the rain descended and the floods came? What are floods in the Bible? Why is it so vitally important to understand what rain is and how to receive it?

STONY GROUND HEARERS When the sun rose the stony ground hearers were scorched as they lacked moisture and they withered away. When does the sun rise? What does it mean to lack moisture?

This is your invitation to a

Vegetarian Cooking Demonstration

Theme: Christmas Entertaining

When: Sunday 20 October 2024, 2 - 4pm

Where: Capalaba SDA Hall, 450-452 Mt Cotton Road, Capalaba

Cost: $10 pp - includes tastings and recipes

Limited places available - Bookings essential prior to 10 October

Contact: Estelle 0494 115 602 or Talei 0412 246 848

Limited places available

Bookings essential